The Quality according to STARDAY
- Honouring the commitments taken with our clients trying to understand expressed or implicit needs and comply with them.
- Deal with every single activity in compliance with the regulatory and legislative requirements;
- Minimizing costs incured due to errors during the sales process. Evaluating and developing preventative strategies with the scope of eliminating the afore mentioned errors.
- Prioritizing operational flexibility, a feature that has always characterized Starday, respecting every colleague or cooperator’s functional needs.
- Optimizing working relationships with partners and suppliers in order to improve our competitivity
- Making means and equipment completely available to the staff in order to obtain high quality products and services.
- Ensuring the competence, professionality and reliability of our staff at every level in order to gain our clients’ trust.
- Encouraging our personnel to strive for quality guaranteeing them equality, impartiality, participation, effectiveness and efficiency.
- Improving internal effectiveness, thanks to well defined operational working methods and staff training, driven by an awareness of the fact that Starday business is flourishing
- Making sure that this “Quality Policy” has been understood and implemented by the whole staff and ensuring that Quality is essential part of the operational working method.
STARDAY S.r.l. is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
The ISO certification, due to the periodic assessment given by an international certification body, guarantees that the high quality of Starday activities is maintained year after year.